Monday, 28 February 2022


 I keep trying to write beautiful things
sharing wisdom
and random thoughts
trying to expose my soul

because I'll be gone someday
nobody will expect it
least of all me

there will be a funeral
and everybody will share stories
and memories
and tears

then it will go quiet
as people go on with life
and the people who loved me most
will walk through a very long silence
without me

but I'll pop back into the world one day
a long time later
my words
my voice
my smile in a photograph
all the trivial treasures I left along the trail
and for a very brief moment
it will be like I never left

   maybe I'm gone already
   and you're reading this in the future
   knowing how my story ended
   walking through a world without me

   in that long silence
   don't forget that I love you

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