My kitty is as white as snow
so soft and silky, too
Were he one day to up and go
I don't know what I'd do
For he is such a charming chap
So peaceful, calm, and chill
And when he sits upon my lap
I'm stuck there, sitting still
He lays about with no complaint
except at dinner time
And then he cries with no restraint
my tardiness, a crime!
He seems as sluggish as a louse
but rodents best beware
For setting foot within our house,
no mouse would ever dare!
And when it's time to go to bed
a funny thing occurs
he curls up beside my head
and there he softly purrs
The heavens lost a lovely soul
when this cat came to be
But in my heart there was a hole
that he fit perfectly
I must admit, this kitty rocks
I love that boy to bits
My heart is just a little box
and if he fits, he sits
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