Tuesday, 17 April 2018


That was not your boy
dying there
in the blood and flame
torn apart by bullets
and terror
begging for mercy
pleading for escape
wishing to hold your hand
one last time
It was not him
who you loved from his first breath
and cherished beyond words
until the day you released him
from that final embrace
and watched him board a plane
to war

It wasn't him screaming in agony
and terror and panic
and utterly horrific, helpless sorrow

Take comfort

There's a New God now
a God who’s not content to cast evil men
into a lake of fire
to weep eternally, and gnash their teeth forever
There's something worse planned
for those politicians and investors 
in guns and bombs
who screamed for war
while hiding their own sons 
behind their backs
They who sent your precious child,
who you created from your very flesh,
and nurtured from your breast,
to be burned and shot 
reduced to uncountable bits of skin and bone
beneath bombs and bullets
for a slightly taller pile of cash
they will know all that terror and pain
first hand
they will embrace it like a mother

For the New God is just
and plucks your precious child's soul
from the storm of carnage and fright
replacing it with the souls
of those who thought to grow richer
from that mad and pointless battle
while hiding at a distance
with their own loved ones

(some even laughed, while counting coins)

There is no Lake of Fire
after these evil men die,
blissfully ignorant as they burn but once
They will ride
in the bodies 
of precious babies
and each and every comrade 
and fellow soldier
they sent to die 
screaming in terror and agony

All of them
one by one
the deaths will be checked off
and there are thousands upon thousands
They will feel all that pain
It wasn't your boy at all
not for a single moment
for the New God is just

And after those deaths
they ride the jagged hell
of mothers
and fathers
and every brother, sister, 
child, spouse, and friend
who were told their beloved
would not be coming home again

They ride inside those
who were told their dearest



young and hopeful
full of love and potential
instead of peacefully 
at the end of a long, fruitful life

They ride that hopeless, pointless death
at the end of the million memories
hopes and dreams
and secret desires
stolen kisses
and exams at school
silly dances in the rain
and Christmas mornings
cookies and kittens
and bowls of soup
warm, comforting hugs
after skinned knees
and broken hearts
all the things that made a life
and all the things that could have been
all the things taken
by those bullets and bombs and flames
so some lord could grow a little richer

Ride it

This New God is as malicious
and merciless
as those politicians and investors
who screamed for war
when there could have been peace
because dividends were more valuable than dads 
and kickbacks were more precious than kids
and pitiless patriotic pride was more important
than patience

Ride it

Hide your own sons
Send others
Hide yourselves safely away, too
in this life anyway
but fear the New God
for whom a lake of fire is not enough
for whom eternally burning 
and screaming 
but once
is too merciful 
fear the God who plans something




and total
physical and emotional
with every single broken body
and heart
one after another and another
and another
without pause
or pity
until every single last tear
and lonely night
and empty embrace
is paid for

The Old God
of fire and brimstone
was merciful
the New God
is just
you will beg
and plead
and scream with all your being
for that lake of eternal fire instead

I am a prophet of the New God


for peace is far more precious
than power
and all your trillions
will not
buy your way off that ride
you will realize in the end, 
with complete and utter helpless dismay
that all your mountains wealth 
were merely an illusion
the only thing of any real value 
was souls
their experiences of ordinary lives
with such immeasurable amounts of love
for all the littlest things
and other ordinary souls
these held the only real value in this world

do not take that wealth away

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