Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Your riches placed you on a golden throne
and tricked you into thinking you're a king
but others face this cruel world alone
and there you feast while they lie suffering
It's not a sin to reap what blessings flowed
but don't forget your helpless soul was freed
He gave his life to pay the debt you owed
You should at least give help to those in need
But if you shun the poor with no concern
we know that's not a heart he will applaud
For every living soul will take its turn
to give account before almighty God
   It's those who help the poor who please the Lord
   but if you don't, your cries will be ignored

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. Wow, 50 sonnets, keep it up, they're just incredibly awesome. You're very talented.