Sunday 6 October 2024


The constant care she shows makes her soul shine
She blesses lives with her own special touch
She shows how friendship and true love combine
In one sweet soul that we cherish so much
This little piece of heaven we have found
Inside her heart where she holds us so dear
There we'll remain forever safe and sound
What's there to fear with this sweet angel near?
Yet somehow this great heart remains unclaimed
Is every man so foolish and so blind?
For when her deepest passions are enflamed
True love, for him, will truly be defined
   Insanity! With all that beauty shown
   How can it be that she remains alone?

Friday 20 September 2024


the odyssey of life is filled with pain
and hurts more deep than we have ever known
escape one woe, and one more strikes again
when sorrows come, they never come alone
we've battled storms beyond our heart's control
and if we stop to rest, we're overwhelmed
the weariness steals strength right from your soul
yet somehow this lost ship sails on unhelmed
but you were there each moment of this ride
and somehow, you have made the darkness fun
through all this hell, you never left my side
it makes me sad the journey's nearly done
   we've only got to make it one last mile
   renew my strength with one more pretty smile

Sunday 23 June 2024


 you can love the sun, the moon, the stars the sunsets, and the diamonds in the dew with all your heart

but you will never hold them

that's okay
they're beautiful either way
because maybe you're not supposed to own
the things you love

maybe that's why they're so beautiful
because they're free
their beauty belongs to everybody
and nobody

Thursday 9 May 2024


another day is done, and here I lie
alone in bed, as darkness steals in
it's one day closer to the day I die
when Fate's sharp shears snip through my thread so thin
sweet sleep, my only comfort and escape,
that blackest void of bliss, will soon descend
and give that distant nightmare clearer shape
as I turn one page closer to The End
but if I had your loving form to hold
and felt your body's sensual caress
your warmth would shield from the creeping cold
and somehow looming death would matter less
   though it may be a wishful fantasy
   it's real enough to soothe this misery

Friday 9 February 2024


our God created you for me to love
and He formed me to make your beauty glow
we fit together snugly as a glove
perfection only we could ever know
how savagely I ravish your sweet mind
with pretty words that feed your heart such bliss
this depth of love that cannot be defined
grows deeper still with each poetic kiss
but if you'd be love's helpless little slave
the master of your soul makes this demand
give me the greatest ecstasy I crave
and let me finally hold your pretty hand
   one kiss would close the world's widest rift
   if I could claim this girl's sweetest gift


So many souls are lost in endless search
and have been since their days of early youth
Just like a bird without a place to perch
they fly exhausting quests to find the truth
The doctors say you're set if you've got health
and scholars love the light that knowledge brings
The rich man finds contentment in his wealth
but all of that's just complicating things
Life's meaning isn't deep and far away
You'll never find your purpose here unless
you do the things that bring you joy each day
The simple truth comes down to happiness
   That's why I joy in all the things I do
   that make you fall in love with being you

Wednesday 31 January 2024


she sits upon the throne of all my dreams
she enters and illuminates the night
when she descends, she slides in on moonbeams
as though her very soul were made of light
she blesses me with beautiful escape
for once again, sweet heaven has come down
a dream of perfect love has taken shape
and on her head, I place my soul's one crown
alas, the dawn brings harsh reality
my mouth is ripped away from true love's kiss
the sun comes up, and fantasies must flee
but through my tears, I must remember this:
   I'd rather yearn for love I'll never touch
   than let go of the dream I love so much

Sunday 28 January 2024


just give me one more day
O, Lord, please, God, I pray
don't make me go away

i'd go through any pain
again and again. and again
just, please, let me remain 

it's so hard to say goodbye
when there's still tears in their eyes
please don't let me die 

my babies need me near
i'll stay to calm their fears
i'll stay to dry their tears 

just let them hold my hand
until they understand
the things that I had planned 

the things I meant to say
it hurts, but let me stay
just give me one more day

   mama, it's okay
   you loved us every day
   your heart was always true
   there's nothing left to do
   you always did your best
   now it's your turn to rest
   you don't need one more day
   we're gonna be okay
   please don't feel sad
   go be with mom and dad

Friday 19 January 2024


so many nights I laid awake and cried
I sat around and waited for your call
as all the love inside me slowly died
and now I don't feel anything at all
you've proven true my deepest, darkest fear
and though I tried so hard to never see
the tragedy of you and I is clear:
you've better things to do than be with me
I finally gave my foolish head a shake
I saw a truth that I could not ignore
why beg for scraps of love and cold heartache?
why waste my tears when I deserve much more?
   and now you're cold and lonely in the night
   when all you had to do was treat me right


if my poetic words could penetrate
the way a lover's thrust brings ecstasy
they'd touch you with their comfort, warmth, and weight
and you would cling so breathlessly to me
my words would stir up such a pretty storm
each time you read a poem that I wrote
and all its sexy rhythms sent your form
to heaven with each deeply moving quote
alas, there's no such bridge for you and I
my magic words will never truly bind
your flesh to mine the way they catch your eye
my rhymes will only every please your mind
   there's emptiness a lover might make whole
   but sonnets sink much deeper in your soul

Sunday 17 December 2023


A lonely soul's a feather on the breeze One change of wind can alter your whole fate and sometimes Fortune's fancy disagrees that one should ever meet their soul's true mate How we got here remains a mystery The tangled journey somehow wove us through Our threads entwined within life's tapestry and here I am this chilly night with you While other lonely souls remain adrift still reaching out to grasp a passing hand I'm here with you, my life's most precious gift and trusting in whatever God has planned A touch of skin can warm you in the night But holding you gives life undying light

Thursday 9 November 2023


I hate how breathtaking the world is
with its snowy branches in a winter wonderland
laughing babies, sweet music
starry nights, warm blankets
puppy kisses, kind strangers
hot coffee, fine art
crackling fires, crashing waves
and a million other poetic joys
that only we could ever truly see

the world just continues
obstinately, obliviously beautiful

as if you're not even gone

Tuesday 26 September 2023


I wrote a lot of poems
thoughts captured in time
pulled from my soul
and given voice, and life

they make the world more beautiful

but a daughter is poetry
that writes itself
they find their own soul
and voice, and life

they make the world more beautiful

all you have to do
is get them started
leading the way
being you

Friday 18 August 2023


two gracefully drifting lines of boats
sailing along, cross an ocean at night
between two cities they brave the flight
through ominous dark each stream progressed

the sky was black, devoid of gods
each kept his lantern shining bright
they found their way by each other's light
and thus they all got home to rest

Friday 19 May 2023


I planted some flowers today, because everything is a miracle.

Babies are a miracle.

Healing from heartbreak and loss is a miracle.

Recovering from illness or addiction is a miracle. 

People turning their lives around and making things right again is definitely a miracle.

Overcoming flaws and growing as a person is a miracle.

Reaching your life’s goals is also a miracle. 

Seeing your dreams come true is a miracle.

Life itself is a miracle. Simply being here for the short little time we have requires countless unseen miracles that God takes care of every single day. 

And flowers are a miracle. 

I planted some flowers today. For now, there's only dirt. But I hope when they bloom and stand tall in the sunshine, my heart will have learned a lesson as beautiful as they are: that everything is a miracle, but miracles take time. Nothing is instant, overnight, or automatic. Miracles take time, hard work, and most of all, patience and love.

Friday 12 May 2023


she walked right out the door and disappeared
the way she'd done a thousand times before
and sure enough, exactly as i feared
my heart just couldn't take it anymore
the sirens raced me through a scary ride
but my old soul was wounded worse because
she didn't rush to be there by my side
when she was told exactly where i was
i guess all vows of love have now decayed
she hasn't even tried to text or call
through all the times my trust has been betrayed
this heart attack has hurt me most of all
  she doesn't care if i live or i die
  i guess it's finally time to say goodbye

Sunday 26 March 2023


You swore you'd never break my heart again
you vowed to God you'd stay here by my side
not even three days passed us by and then
you vanished and your vows to heaven died
But no one's perfect, so I forgave you
a thousand times, and every time you failed
you turned around and stabbed my poor heart through
and in the end, True Love has not prevailed
Perhaps the Lord above can understand
why you'd abuse a heart that loves you so
but this is not the life that I had planned
so I am forced to finally let you go
  I used to pray you'd come back home to me
  But now I need the strength to set you free

Saturday 25 March 2023


A child needs the love and care of mom
But sometimes monsters rank a little more
and though it seemed the choice was really dumb
She always let him walk back in the door
And later on when my heart tried to love
I'd bare my soul and lay down all my trust
But someone else was always placed above
and my poor soul was trampled into dust
Now once again, this brutal game's replayed
I know exactly how it's gonna end
I'll be replaced, abandoned, and betrayed
But for a while, at least I can pretend
  I'm second choice since I was but a youth
  But still my heart won't face that bitter truth

Sunday 12 March 2023


Though this configuration might look strange
it satisfies all needs we lovers lack
as we enjoy the prettiest exchange
in giving and receiving love right back
This mutual affection that we share
is everything that love's supposed to be
No other ecstasy can quite compare
It's perfect in its reciprocity
But you make it so tough to focus on
the happy bliss I'm trying to return
With every move you make, my mind is gone
your lovely gifts I'll never fully earn
  Infinite pleasures loop round this sweet kiss
  If only all of life were pure as this


My heart is broken and I'm so confused
I cried out to the Lord in tearful prayer
Please answer me, O God! But he refused
It's almost like He doesn't really care
A puppy lost who gives the slightest yelp
is quickly saved and given full reward
but when I need a little bit of help
my desperate cries are totally ignored
And yet if I commit the slightest crime
if outside of His will I slightly stray
I'm damned to burn in hell for all of time
this absentee Father, I must obey
  I might as well just pray to a brick wall
  At least it won't condemn me when I fall

Saturday 11 March 2023


Beneath my wisdom’s wild warning screams
my deafened heart decided she’s the one
She seemed to be the woman of my dreams
but then she walked away, and now it’s done
I didn’t want to go through life alone
I fell too quickly for a pretty friend
But loving someone who’s not fully known
can only bring disaster in the end
Despite what my bruised ego might proclaim
I know who truly caused this misery
I’m not too blind to see who bears the blame
the one who shattered my whole world was me
   The lover who forsook me played a part
   but I’m the fool who truly broke my heart


Sunday 26 February 2023


I cried out to the heavens up above
but so far I have heard not one reply
why every single girl Ive tried to love
soon leaves me to be with some other guy
But then one day a woman came along
who made me feel so safe and warm inside
She offered me a love so very strong
She swore that she would be there til she died
So finally, I gave my heart away
and of course that love was quickly wrecked
I should have known that she would never stay
cause what the fuck did my fool heart expect?
   I hope the hint gets through eventually
   The gift of love just wasn't meant for me

Tuesday 14 February 2023


Our fate is full of pain and endless strife
a monstrous foe we can't seem defeat
We're never sure of anything in life
except that we're in love so bittersweet
We dream of being one against all odds
though life itself may snatch that chance away
Such bliss is only worthy of the gods
and we are merely mortals, made of clay
But if this time it's not our destiny
and to another life our soul is hurled
we'll find love there, or fight on endlessly
to finally conquer Fate in some new world
  Though we can only kiss in sweetest dreams
  this tragedy's still beautiful it seems

Wednesday 8 February 2023


You say you truly love me, but you don't
True love would never cause me so much pain
You swear you're gonna change things, but you won't
Before the tears have dried, I'm hurt again
I know to you this notion seems absurd
But your true heart is unmasked by your deeds
An action shouts much louder than a word
A wound that you amend with lies still bleeds
But you don't even know what true love means
It isn't just some tingle in your heart
True love is where all life and truth convenes
A bond where lies could never play a part
   I dearly wish these vows you made were true
   My foolish heart still wants to be with you.

Friday 26 August 2022


 As down the winding road of life we run
the goal is not to cross some distant line
You're by my side, so I've already won
Now I just have to make my trophy shine
And when your weary legs just can't go on
as long as I can see your pretty smile
my strength will never be completely gone
I'll pick you up and carry you a while
And therein lies the path to victory
The glory lies in taking care of you
It's not about some grand reward for me
I win when every dream you have comes true
   Across the finish line my spirit flies
   But your sweet love remains the real prize